Queen Anne Burner
#2 Solid Brass Oil Lamp Burner is a well made type seen on many vintage and antique oil lamps. This functional mechanism burns lamp oil to create light. Brightness of light is easily controlled by wick adjustment. Use turn knob on burner to raise or lower wick. Attach by screwing burner-base into lamp-collar on neck of lamp.
Solid Brass Queen Anne Oil Lamp Burner
| Shade Holders for this Burner |
High quality lamp burner is solid brass and beautifully made, It is efficient and very functional. This style fits many antique glass oil lamps with a 1-3/16" collar opening. Best matched with a brass collar as brass burners have relatively fine threads.
Oil Lamp Guide
- Only use "lamp oil" as a fuel source. Other oil types can cause fires and/or damage oil burners.
- Leave at least a ½ inch of head-space when filling up your oil lamp.
- Keep lamp reservoir half full so that wick stays properly saturated
- Oil lamps burn approximately ½ ounce of lamp oil per hour.
- Trim off charred edge of wick after every couple uses. If charred residue is not kept trimmed, wick will likely smoke and provide dim light.
- Replace lamp chimney once lamp is lit to protect flame from drafts.
- Oil lamps are only for indoor use.
- Caution: A burning oil lamp should not be left unattended. Lamps should be placed out of the reach of children.