Oak Knobs for Cabinets are a solid wood style from the Golden Oak era. They are carved from a single piece of wood. Each is solid oak. These wood cabinet knobs are unfinished. They may require a light sanding. Stain to match drawers or cabinet doors. Oak Knobs are made in four sizes. The multiple sizes provide selection options for kitchen cabinets and furniture.
Oak Knobs for Cabinets
| More Oak Shapes & Sizes
Oak Keyhole Covers |
Install Round Wood Knobs
- Mounts from a single hole
- Mounting bolt has wood-threads to thread directly into back of wood-knob
- To install: Insert bolt from drawer or door interior, through single hole in wood and screw into back of knob
- To avoid scaring cabinet, always thread screw into knob - do not turn knob onto screw when tightening.