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Why Use Threaded Stem Casters

Using Stem Casters on Chair and Table Legs

Threaded Stem Casters are choice for narrow furniture legs. The sturdy yet narrow stem is sole means of attachment. This round steel shaft has coarse threads. It is known as a Philadelphia drive stem. When installing, this threaded shaft is screwed up into hole in furniture leg.  No other attachment is used. 

Threaded stem casters have a narrow profile.  They were frequently used on chair legs during the mid 1800's to the early 1900's. 

Choose Casters with Threaded Stem

Install Stem Casters

  • Casters should be installed perpendicular to the floor.
  • Drill hole in furniture leg slightly smaller in diameter than diameter of drive stem. Depth should be approximately 1/4" deeper than length of caster stem.
  • Screw threaded steel Philadelphia drive stem up into pre drilled hole.
  • Stem must fit snugly in leg for a proper fit, if loose caster can wobble.
  • There is a direct correlation between caster strength and correct installation. Casters must fit snugly to furniture, with as little play as possible.
  • The larger the wheel, the easier the caster rolls and the less likely it is to hitch or indent the floor.

If replacing an existing caster, measure the diameter and height of center hole in leg. If hole in leg is too large plug with wood dowel, then re-drill hole. Height of center hole must be tall enough to accommodate threaded stem.

Our casters are quality reproductions, strong, well made and designed specifically for furniture. They are very serviceable under normal conditions. As with all antique casters they are made for occasional rolling. Industry testing has not been done on most reproduction casters as a result load bearing capacity is not available.

These reproduction casters are designed and produced to support and move furniture. They are strong and dependable. When replacing or adding casters: proper fitting is necessary for smooth, reliable mobility.


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