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How to Guidelines


All posts and rod are unfinished solid brass

Tall Furniture Railing Posts
  • All installations should have an end, corner, or wall mount post on either end.
  • Number of center posts varies according to overall length. Post should be spaced equally across front.
  • Typical spacing between posts, across front or back, is approximately 10” – 16” apart.
  • Formula to Calculate amount of Center Posts:
    1. Divide railing length, by estimated distance between posts.
    2. Subtract 1, this equals the number of center posts.
    3. Add 2 end posts, wall mount posts or corner posts to finish
    4. If total number of center-posts is a fraction, then distance between posts will need to be adjusted to equal an even number of posts.
  • Use end-posts on each end, when using this Tall Furniture Railing in a straight line.
  • If rail will have sides, use corner posts as a junction between front or back and sides.
  • Please note if using sides: side-spacing often differs from front-spacing
  • Mid-century post-base diameter is 1-1/4”. These posts should be inset a minimum of 3/4” from edge.
Brass Rod
  • Brass Rod is available in 2 lengths: 36” and 72”
  • If rod is not long enough, join two rods together within a post.
  • If needed, brass rod is easily cut shorter with a hacksaw.
  • To calculate length of rod needed: measure length of each straight run:
    If your design is a straight rail, with no sides, it is one run. However if it has multiple sides, such as an open 3 sided shelf, it will have 3 runs.
  • Calculate number of rods needed once you know the length of each run. Rods are available in 3' and 6' lengths. Consider that you may have leftover rod from one run to satisfy another run.
Install Mid-Century Railing Post

Install Mid Century Modern Rail on Wood Surface. Not for glass or stone.

Attach Tall Furniture Railing to surface top with wood screws:

  • Layout brass railing
  • Cut rods to appropriate lengths
  • Loosely assemble rods and posts
  • Mark screw location and drill necessary pilot holes for brass screws
  • Slip rods in place. 
  • Insert brass screws through holes in base of posts. Carefully screw them down into pre drilled holes.

Decorative and Functional

This Tall Furniture Railing is both decorative and functional. This minimalist style railing is used to outline top perimeters of furniture, shelving and cabinets. It adds stability to items placed behind it such as books, china, bottles and nick-knacks. The posts and rod are made of solid brass. Brass is un-finished. It can be polished to a shiny glow or darkened to look old. Attach to surface-top with screws.

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