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Ivory Mica Uno Lamp Shades

  • How Sold: Each
  • Style: Transitional
  • Usually Ships In: 2-5 business days
  • Material: Mica on Wire Frame
  • Finish: Ivory
  • Includes:
For SIZE and PRODUCT INFORMATION ** scroll down page **

Threaded Uno Lamp Shade

Ivory Mica Uno Lamp Shades add Craftsman style to traditional bridge arm floor lamps. Flecks of ivory, silver and beige mica meld creating a silvery appearance. Dark brown trim creates a great contrast against ivory mica. The semi-translucent light provides a pleasing light.

Ivory Mica Uno Lamp Shades

Ships Free to contiguous 48 US states

  • Base: 12"
  • Top: 6"
  • Side: 7-1/2"
  • Fitter Type: Uno
  • Fitter: 1-1/4" inside diameter, threaded
  • Fitter Flush
  • Use with: uno lamp socket, for best compatibility, purchase shade & socket together
Measuring a Uno Lamp Shade

More Ivory Shades

Our Ivory Mica Lampshades use a centuries-old technique of laminating mica flakes and crystals together with shellac or resin. These naturally occurring minerals come in various colors. They are known for being heat-resistant and non-conductive, making them perfect for use in lighting. Once made, these mica sheets are carefully wrapped around a rust-resistant, brown metal frame, with the top, bottom, and sides bound in dark brown braided trim. The braid displays a faux leather appearance. Fitter type is: uno.

Compatibility between Bridge Lamp-shade and Lamp-socket

  • Uno-threads, on new and old lamp sockets, can vary slightly.
  • Most sockets and shades will thread together, however occasionally the threading on some sockets is not compatible.
  • To insure compatibility, between threads on uno lamp shade and threads on. uno socket, it is best to purchase socket and lamp shade together.
Install: Mica Uno Lamp Shades

Uno lampshades are used on lamps where shade hangs down from a lamp-arm. They are referred to as bridge lamp shades.

  • Bridge lamp shades have a 1-1/4" threaded ring at top center of shade.
  • Lamp requires a uno threaded socket.
  • Attach shade to lamp by screwing: threaded shade ring onto uno threaded lamp socket. 
  • Socket-switch is at top of shade for easy access.
  • Socket-swivel enables positioning of uno lampshades. Light is easily directed downward onto task surface.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Peter F.
Great product selection

Paxton Hardware has everything you need to refurbish an old lamp and I am quite happy with the result. Many thanks!

Mary E.A.
Great company!

I had been searching all over for a lampshade to fit an old bridge lamp that was given to me by my uncle. Came across your website, ordered one up...and it arrived in no time. And it is absolutely beautiful! thank you Paxton!

john e.
mica lampshade

Shipped amazingly fast! Love the shade for our antique bridge lamp. There is some flaking of the Mica but otherwise we are happy with our purchase.

P A.M.
mica uno shade

Beautiful shade, well made - very nice product


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