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White Linen Uno Lampshade for Bridge Lamps

  • How Sold: Each
  • Style: Transitional
  • Usually Ships In: 2-5 business days
  • Material: Linen on Wire Frame
  • Finish: White
  • Includes:
For SIZE and PRODUCT INFORMATION ** scroll down page **

Bridge Lamp Shade

White Linen Lamp Shades feature a minimalist design that effortlessly enhances vintage bridge lamps. The warm-white color and simple shape blends with modern and traditional interiors.  Not only attractive, these uno lamp shades provide maximum light output for both accent and task lighting. Made in America.

White Linen Uno Lampshade for Bridge Lamps

Made in USA

  • Base: 12"
  • Top: 7"
  • Side: 7-1/2"
  • Fitter Type: UNO
  • Ring Fitter: 1-1/4" inside diameter
  • Fitter Recessed: 1-1/2"
  • Use with: uno lamp socket, for best compatibility, purchase shade & socket together
Measure Hex Shaped Uno Lamp Shade

For additional information see: Restoring Bridge Lamps

more White Linen Lamp Shades

These lamp shades are made of a white linen. The linen has a plain relaxed weave displaying a lightly textured appearance similar to homespun.  Rust resistant frame has threaded uno ring at top center. Shade-panels are lined with hard white buckram to insure stability. Top, bottom and sides are bound in same white linen.  

Compatibility between Bridge Lamp-shade and Lamp-socket

  • Uno-threads, on new and old lamp sockets, can vary slightly.
  • Most sockets and shades will thread together, however occasionally the threading on some sockets is not compatible.
  • To insure compatibility, between threads on uno lamp shade and threads on. uno socket, it is best to purchase socket and lamp shade together.
Install: Linen Uno Lampshades for Bridge Lamps

Uno lamp shades are used on lamps where a shade hangs down from a lamp arm. They are known as bridge lamp shades.

  • Bridge lamp shades have a 1-1/4" threaded ring at top center of shade.
  • Lamp requires a uno threaded socket.
  • Attach shade to lamp by screwing: threaded shade ring onto uno threaded lamp socket. 
  • Socket-switch is at top of shade for easy access.
  • Socket-swivel enables positioning of uno lampshades. Light is easily directed downward onto task surface.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Mary B.K.
First experience will not be last!

I was very impressed with the website product information that enabled me to purchase this difficult to find item. But, I was even more impressed with the quick delivery and quality of the shade. I've now ordered two glass shades and each of those deliveries and items have been equally outstanding. Paxton's has really impressed me!

Ruth D.
Excellent Service!

I ordered a lampshade from Paxton for an antique floor lamp. The website was clear, and I was able to order exactly what I wanted after reading all the information on the specific type of lampshade was needed for such a lamp. The shade is lovely, and I am very pleased.


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