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Walnut Knobs for Furniture, 1-1/2 inch

  • How Sold: Each
  • Style: Transitional
  • Usually Ships In: 1-3 business days
  • Material: Wood
  • Finish: Unfinished
  • Includes: 1 Machine Screw
For SIZE and PRODUCT INFORMATION ** scroll down page **

 Wood Cabinet Knobs

Walnut Wood Furniture Knobs are a great choice for antiques and contemporary cabinets. The simple pleasing shape and classic solid wood complements many design styles. These popular knobs are reproductions of original 19th century knobs. They are produced in five sizes. This variety of sizes provides flexibility when adding to kitchen cabinets and graduated sets of drawers.

Classic Period Wood Knobs
  • Diameter: 1-1/2"
  • Base Diameter: 1-3/8"
  • Projection: 1"
  • Mounting bolt: 1-1/4" long
Measure wood cabinet knobs

More Walnut Sizes & Shapes

Walnut Keyhole Covers

These furniture knobs are unfinished, solid walnut. Each is carved from a single piece of wood. They may require a light sanding. Walnut is an organic material.  It naturally exhibits color ranges from dark to light brown with purplish hues, grays, reddish and or dark streaks. Typically, they are stained to match antique furniture drawers or cabinet doors.

Install Wood Cabinet Knobs

  • Mounts from a single hole
  • Mounting bolt has wood-threads to thread directly into back of wood-knob
  • To install: Insert bolt from drawer or door interior, through single hole in wood and screw into back of knob
  • To avoid scaring cabinet, always thread screw into knob - do not turn knob onto screw when tightening.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
George K.
Selection and Service


Hard to find walnut knobs

Had checked all the big suppliers for walnut knobs with no luck. Found two suppliers on the web and decided to use Paxton due to their close proximity to northern Virginia. Ordered and they were in my mailbox two days later. I will look to Paxton for other specialty items in the future.

Patricia S.
English Knobs

Searched high and low for English knobs with just the right projection, proportion, and detail. These are perfect! Great look and quality.


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