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Antique Brass Casters, Stem-type, X-Small

  • How Sold: Each
  • Style: Transitional
  • Usually Ships In: 1-3 business days
  • Material: Brass
  • Finish: Antique
  • Includes:
For SIZE and PRODUCT INFORMATION ** scroll down page **

Quality Furniture Wheels - Stem Type

Antique Brass Casters are a historic stem type style. Stem requires minimal install-space, making this style ideal for furniture with thin narrow legs. They were often used on Victorian parlor chairs and small 19th century tables. These reproduction casters are brass with a steel stem. Substantial fork and wheel are solid brass. Finish is darkened to look old. Stem-type is known as a spiral-threaded Philadelphia drive stem.

Stem Type - Antique Brass Casters

  • Wheel Diameter: 3/4" 
  • Wheel Width: 3/8" 
  • Raises Furniture: 7/8"
  • Stem:  1/4" Top, 3/8" Base, 1-3/8" High
  • Load capacity: 200 pounds per caster
  • matching 1" wheel caster
Measuring a stem type chair caster

If updating vintage furniture, replace all casters. This insures uniform height, style & appearance.

Install: Stem Type Furniture Wheels

Load Capacity, caster strength and stability is directly related to correct installation. If a caster is incorrectly installed it will-not be strong or serviceable.

  • Threaded Stem Casters have a round shank with coarse threads known as a Philadelphia drive stem.
  • Use on round or square furniture legs.
  • Drill hole in furniture leg slightly smaller in diameter than diameter of drive stem. Depth should be approximately 1/4" deeper than length of caster stem.
  • Screw threaded steel Philadelphia drive stem up into pre-drilled hole.
  • Fit should be snug

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Old F.R.G.
Perfect size and condition

I bought an antique book stand (1930s) with a missing roller. Paxton Hardware had the exact size and configuration I needed. The perfect brass condition was the problem because I then had to take it to the grinding wheel to give it 90 years of fake wear and tear and then spritzed it with a little dark paint. It's hard to tell which is the new wheel now. It was packed very well and came cross country in a week! I now have a new go-to for hardware.

Richard S.

This caster fitted the foot of the Duncan Phyfe table perfectly..


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