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Brass Cylinder Hinges, 12mm

  • How Sold: Pair - 2 Hinges
  • Style: Transitional
  • Usually Ships In: 1-3 business days
  • Material: Brass
  • Finish: Natural
  • Includes:
For SIZE and PRODUCT INFORMATION ** scroll down page **

Brass Barrel Hinge

Brass Cylinder Hinges are useful barrel hinges for flush inset applications such as inset doors and drop leaf tables. Use on wood 5/8" thick. Produced with heavy gauge brass plated steel linkage, hinge opens to 180 degrees.

Brass Cylinder Hinges

Choose sizes according to wood thickness.

Install Cylinder Hinges

Install Barrel Hinge

Easy to install, simply drill hole the exact diameter of the hinge, insert the hinge and adjust the wedge-tightening screw. These hinges are not intended for load bearing applications. Once installed hinges provide an invisible appearance. Choose from three sizes according to your wood thickness.

  • Marked center line, in each direction, with a square to locate center
  • Drill holes using exact diameter of hinge and exact depth of hinge (do not use oversize drill bits) 
    Use 10 mm metric bit for 10 mm diameter, 12 mm metric bit for 12 mm diameter and 14 mm metric bit for 14 mm diameter.
  • Insert hinge-barrel into each hole. Simultaneously press hinge-barrel into each section. Gradually open and close, making small corrections as needed to ensure hinge is straight and not twisted. Should be flush with surface once in place.
  • Tightening the set screw expands the special built in wedge action providing a secure application.

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