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Colonial Chippendale Pulls, 3inch

  • How Sold: Each
  • Style: Colonial
  • Usually Ships In: 1-3 business days
  • Material: Brass
  • Finish: Polished
  • Includes: 2 Machine Screws
For SIZE and PRODUCT INFORMATION ** scroll down page **

18th Century Style Drawer Pull - Period Furniture Hardware

Colonial Chippendale Pulls exhibit the bold style favored by Thomas Chippendale. This 18th century cabinet maker is famous for creating his unique furniture and drawer pull style. It is a mixture of Gothic, rococo and Chinese influences. These drawer pulls have a large and architectural  appearance.

Colonial Chippendale Pulls

  • 3" Boring
  • Overall Width: 4-1/2"
  • Height: 3-3/8" 

Matching Brass Handles

If replacing drawer handles, check distance between holes  

How to measure Chippendale Handles for Drawers

These period style pulls  are authentically reproduced with accurate detail and appropriate weight. Each is solid brass with a shiny polished finish.  They are not lacquered and will age over time. 

Measure Colonial Pulls

  • Boring: distance between center of mounting hole to center of adjacent mounting hole.
  • If replacing handles:  replacement-handle-boring must match actual boring measurement in drawer.
  • Overall Size: width and height of handle at widest point.

Attach Period Handles

  • Posts, bail and backplate are separate, assemble when mounting. 
  • Insert one post into backplate and position on drawer front. Insert screw, from drawer interior, through mounting hole and screw into back of post (do-not tighten).
  • Insert bail in mounted post, add second post to other end of bail, insert second post through backplate, continue as before.
  • Once together and in place, tighten screws.
  • Pulls are secured using 8-32 machine screws. Length supplied is determined by manufacturer. While supplied screw length is generally useful, occasionally a different size is required. Please let us know if you need a specific length. To determine the correct size: measure wood thickness and add 1/4".

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Maureen H.
Good for the price

I bought these to replace 18 brass drawer pulls on two dressers that were very old and some pulls were very pitted. I could not find the same pulls so these were the best option I could find at the best price. Cheaper than that major deliver to home site we are all familiar with. It took a bit longer then I expected to ship and deliver but I did get free shipping and I was in no hurry. Some of the pulls had slight discolorations but I think that is probably expected with brass items at this price in this day . Because the dressers were old and not pristine I went ahead and used them but I thought I needed to give a 4 level rating because they were not perfect but usable for my purposes.

audrey s.
Chippedales Handles

Had them on my furniture for decades!! Still look like Brand New!! Beautiful!!

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