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Interior Passage Latch Set

  • How Sold: Each
  • Style: Transitional
  • Usually Ships In: 1-3 business days
  • Material: Brass-plated Steel
  • Finish: Natural
  • Includes: Each, including all mounting hardware
For SIZE and PRODUCT INFORMATION ** scroll down page **

Interior Passage Type Latch Set is a high quality tubular spring latch. Use on right or left hand doors. High quality. Excellent replacement on old doors. Set includes: faceplate, full lip strike plate, door latch, alignment piece and mounting hardware.

Interior Passage Latch Set

  • 2-3/8" backset
  • Face plate: 2-1/4" X 1"
  • Strike plate: 2-1/4" X 1-3/4"

Latch Set Installation

Parts of a door latch set

 Privacy style installation is pictured, passage style installation is similar. Privacy latch set is designed so the privacy function is released when door is closing (unless there is too much space between door and jamb). When the privacy function is activated from the inside, the outside door knob will not open the door. Turning the inside door knob will release the privacy pin and open the door. Or you can pull the privacy pin from inside the room.

Cut out for door latch set
Door latch set assembly

 If door is locked Keep the Allen key. For considerations of the safety of small children, it is possible to insert a narrow bent object - like the enclosed allen key or a paper clip - through the privacy hole from the outside, and push the privacy lock. 

door latch install

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
william B.
finish carpenter

fast and good price

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