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Choose the Correct size Cup Casters

Cup Casters: Measuring and Choosing to fit furniture

The How's and Whys of Cup Casters

Square Cup Caster Install

Cup Casters, originally used in the late 18th century, offer mobility, height and support to furniture. Due to their usefulness and elegant appearance, their popularity has continued till present day. Styles include round-cups for round furniture legs and square-cups for legs which are square. Cup and wheel sizes vary to fit a variety of chairs, tables and case pieces. Brass, antique brass and nickel options suit many tastes and styles.

The Paxton Hardware line of Cup Casters is produced to be quality reproductions, strong, well made and designed specifically for furniture. They are very serviceable under normal conditions. As with all antique casters they are made for occasional rolling. Industry testing has not been done on most reproduction casters; as a result load bearing capacity is not available.

Cup Casters for Furniture

These solid brass casters are constructed to support and move furniture. They are strong and dependable. When replacing or adding casters: proper fitting and mobility are the key considerations.

  • There is a direct correlation between caster strength and correct installation. Caster Cup must fit snugly on furniture leg, with as little play as possible. Leg may require modification to accommodate cup. Once correctly fitted, attach cup with wood screws.
  • The larger the wheel, the easier the caster rolls and the less likely it is to hitch or indent the floor.


Cup Casters are sized with interior cup measurements

as furniture legs must fit snugly. Shape of cup tapers therefore top and bottom measurements are provided.  Cup Caster Measurements
  • Inside Cup Top: the top interior diameter of the cup less the brass wall.
  • Inside Cup Bottom: the bottom interior diameter of the cup less the brass wall.
  • Inside Depth of Cup: the interior height of the cup.
  • Wheel Diameter is simply the diameter of the wheel.
  • Raises Furniture: height furniture will be raised above the floor 

Load Capacity:

Caster's overall strength is affected by size of complete caster, material caster is made of, wheel size including diameter and width and correct installation.

Mobility has an affect on load capacities. Casters are made for occasional rolling. When stationary less stress is place on caster then when moving. The larger the wheel the easier the caster rolls.

Generally speaking larger casters support more weight and roll easier.

Equation for estimating load capacity: add furniture weight + furniture load divided by the number of casters needed equals the weight individual casters must support.

If load capacity is provided it is prudent to use heavier load capacity then needed.

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