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Enhance Furniture Legs with Claw Feet - Toe Caps

Using Claw Feet and Toe Caps on Furniture Legs

Cap your furniture feet in antique style!

Brass Toe Caps shown on Duncan Phyfe style table

Brass Claw Feet and Toe Caps are a period style used on Federal furniture of the early 1800's and then re-popularized in the Colonial Revival era. Curved furniture legs finished with beautiful brass claw feet or toe caps are most often credited to the famous cabinet maker Duncan Phyfe. Very decorative in appearance: claw feet resemble brass animal paws while the toe caps sleekly cloak foot in brass. Not only pleasing to look at, these practical coverings protect furniture feet from abusive scratching.

The Paxton Hardware Line of Claw and Toe Caps are reproductions of originals. While they fit many furniture legs - they do-not fit all. It is important to measure carefully and compare to available sizes. Finding an exact match may not be possible as over the years many styles were made but not all are in production today.

Claw & Toe Cap Diagram

Measuring to fit:

Interior Measurements are provided enabling you to select the best fit. These measurements should be ever so slightly larger than your actual furniture feet.

Claw Feet and Toe Caps are intended to fit snugly

Measure by:

  • Top Inside Width
  • Inside Height
  • Bottom Inside Width
  • Bottom Inside Length

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