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Porcelain Wheel Casters, Plate-type

  • How Sold: Each
  • Style: Transitional
  • Usually Ships In: 1-3 business days
  • Material: Porcelain, Brass Assembly
  • Finish: White, Polished
  • Includes: 3 Wood Screws
For SIZE and PRODUCT INFORMATION ** scroll down page **

Ceramic Furniture Wheels - Plate Type with Stem

These Porcelain Wheel Casters were the darling of the Victorian era, commonly found on walnut chairs and marble top tables. Mimicking the originals, these ceramic furniture wheels  have a sturdy brass fork and glazed white ceramic wheel. The fork is solid brass with a polished finish. This swivel wheel caster enhances the mobility of furniture. The brass and porcelain combination is striking, adding a finishing touch to furniture legs.

Porcelain Wheel Casters

  • Wheel Diameter: 1"
  • Raises Furniture: 1-3/8"
  • Plate Diameter: 1-1/8" x 1/8" Thick
  • Stem: 1/4" Diameter x 1" Height
  • Load capacity: 200 pounds per caster
  • matching stem-type porcelain caster
How to measure brass furniture caster

If updating vintage furniture, replace all casters. This insures uniform height, style & appearance.

Considerations for Swivel Wheel Casters

Load Capacity, caster strength and stability is directly related to correct installation. If a caster is incorrectly installed it will-not be strong or serviceable.

  • For install information please see: Installing plate type casters
  • Spiral-threaded drive stem must fit tightly in furniture-leg.
  • Round caster-plate adds additional support under leg.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Howie L.
Brass antique casters

In the process of revitalizing a hand carved very old antique parlor table it became clear that I would not be able to utilize the original casters. This put me on a search for a company that would be able to provide caster of superior quality and period design to blend perfectly with this unique piece of history. PAXTON HARDWARE met that need in every area.

John P.
Vintage Casters for Furniture, Porcelain Wheel, Plate-type

The castors are made extremely well and were a perfect fit for my Victorian chair.

Porcelain Brass Castors

Thanks very much for the great castors. I haven't installed them yet but they should look very nice on the classic antique furniture I have. Someone had removed the original castors so I am glad that you carried these that match to the original..even better.. polished brass..and well constructed Thanks very much for the great product and great service

Dorothy C.M.
porcelain wheel casters

My Grandmothers 100+ year old cabinet is not a fancy piece of furniture, but sentimental to me. It held her wash basin and pitcher predating bathrooms in her very rural home. The casters were broken or missing so I found that Paxton had the nearly perfect replicas that fit perfectly. I am restoring the piece for passing on in my family.


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