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Brass UNO Lamp Socket, Turn Paddle

  • How Sold: Each
  • Style: Transitional
  • Usually Ships In: 1-3 business days
  • Material: Brass with metal interior
  • Finish: Polished & Lacquered
  • Includes:
For SIZE and PRODUCT INFORMATION ** scroll down page **

E26 - Medium base Lamp Socket

Brass UNO Lamp Socket with Turn Paddle, is an excellent option for restoring vintage lighting. Its distinctive paddle-style switch adds a touch of nostalgia to older fixtures. Unlike traditional turn knobs, this switch is easier to grip and use. With its 3-way adjustment, you can easily achieve the perfect level of lighting for any setting. This versatile socket is suitable for both floor and table lamps. For added convenience, the wire exits through the base of the socket cap, making rewiring a simple task.

  • Use with E26 - medium base 3-way light bulbs
  • Switch: 3-Way Turn Paddle
  • Screws onto standard 3/8"lamp pipe,1/8 IP
  • U.L. and C.S.A. Listed

When restoring older lighting it is best to replace both socket and  lamp cord.

Quality Sockets for Quality Restorations
More Brass Sockets

The socket body is stamped brass, providing superior durability and a long-lasting quality appearance. Unlike brass-plated or brass-guilt sockets, it does not become dull or washed-out over time.

The UNO threads at light bulb-end of socket, allow a 1-1/4" threaded center ring to directly screw onto socket. While this socket is compatible with most bridge lamp shades, there may be an occasional incompatibility between shade and socket due to slight variations in threads.

Before making any changes to electrical fixtures and/or lamps:

  • Disconnect plug/wire from the electrical source.
  • Turning lamp off will not protect you from electric shock.
  • If you are unsure how to safely proceed contact a licensed electrician.

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