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Electric Oil Lamp Burners, #2-Gold, Brass-Plated

  • How Sold: Each
  • Style: Transitional
  • Usually Ships In: 1-3 business days
  • Material: Brass-plated
  • Finish: Bright
  • Includes: Removable Collar
For SIZE and PRODUCT INFORMATION ** scroll down page **

Electric Converter for Oil Lamps

Quality Lamp Burners for Antique Restoration

  • Size: #2
  • 1-3/16" Threaded Base to fit #2 collar
  • Switch: Turn Knob
  • Cord length: 5'-8"
  • Cord Color: Transparent Gold
  • Chimney size:  3" diameter base
  • Use with E26 - medium base 3-way light bulbs
Suitable Lamp Chimneys
Shade Holders to Fit
more #2 Brass-plate Electric Burners

Brass Plated Burners are an economical choice when electrifying oil lamps. The lamp cord is gold, making it an excellent choice for brass lamps. Authentic appearance is appropriate on vintage lamps. These electrified burners make it easy to transform your oil lamp into an efficient lighting option. 

These burners are brass-plated with a shiny finish. They have coarser threads than brass burners. We recommend using a brass-plated burner if collar is brass-plated or if collar is brass then use a brass burner. Occasionally threads on some old lamps may be a little worn making compatibility between burner and collar challenging.

Before making any changes to electrical fixtures and/or lamps:

  • Disconnect plug/wire from the electrical source.
  • Turning lamp off will not protect you from electric shock.
  • If you are unsure how to safely proceed contact a licensed electrician.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Vee R.
I would give this a 10 star if I could, so well made!

My late Aunt taught me how to convert kerosene oil lamps into electric and Paxton Hardware has the absolute best made converter kits, I have ordered from another company and sent it back because it was so cheap! You will not be disappointed, so happy I found this company years ago, they are my go to for so many items, most importantly they stand behind their products and in today's world that is rare!

Gerry C.
Brass Plated Burners

They were what I wanted.

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