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Green Adhesive Felt

  • How Sold: Sold linear foot x 3 foot-width
  • Style: Transitional
  • Usually Ships In: 1-3 business days
  • Material: Felt
  • Finish: Green
  • Includes:
For SIZE and PRODUCT INFORMATION ** scroll down page **

Sticky-backed Felt

Green Adhesive Felt is a favorite of many professional restorers. It provides an authentic appearance and is easy to apply. This vintage color was popular in the late 1800’s – early 1900’s. Green felt was traditionally used on writing tables, desktop surfaces and antique game tables. Although used historically, it is a convenient option for many projects. This sticky backed felt can be applied to many surfaces. Use to conceal problem areas, line silver cases - jewelry boxes and as a scratch preventer when applied to bottoms of lamps and heavy objects.  The uses are endless. Made in USA

Green Adhesive Felt

  • Width: 3 foot
  • Length: customer choice
  • Approximate Thickness: 1/16"
  • Also in: Brown

How Sold

  • Sold by the linear foot in a continuous length.
  • Order 1, receive a 1' x 3' piece. Conversely order 4 receive a piece 4' x 3'.
  • Enter length needed in quantity box
  • Felt is hand cut in a continuous length. Amount cut is slightly more than amount ordered as edge maybe somewhat uneven.


Ecological and animal friendly, natural sustainable fabric.

Wool/Rayon Felt compared to acrylic-felt:

  • It has a softer more luxurious character
  • Slight mottled coloring adds natural appeal.
  • Holds up well to wear and stress.
  • Beneficial in damp climates as this blended felt generally retains the qualities of wool being somewhat mildew resistant.

Extra care is taken when shipping. Felt is not-folded but is rolled to eliminate creasing

Install Sticky-backed Felt

  • Cut green adhesive felt to desired size and shape
  • peel off paper backing
  • position to desired location
  • press into place.
  • When installing large pieces, it is best to peel small amounts of the white underside away from the clear sticky felt-backing as you press it into place. It is easiest to start peeling at a corner.

Customer Reviews

Based on 21 reviews
Green felt

I used this for the surface area of my barrister bookcase-secretary. Application was simple and I am very pleased with the outcome. Thanks for a great product and prompt service.

Stephanie P.
Mixed feelings

Good product, I have used in the past. However, took several days to ship and when received was no longer needed. Had to keep it because return shipping was 43.00, more than my refund would have been.

This order was received on a Sunday afternoon and shipped on Tuesday. We try and ship on a timely basis, we apologize if this held you up.

Alexander G.
the right stuff for the job

Felt from vogue or Hobby Lobby doesn't have the adhesive back and will be too thick. You need this for a desk top replacement.

tom g.
green felt

I used it to line the drawers and floor of a chest I spent a lot of effort building, and am very happy with it. First thought it was a little thin, but after fitting it I realized that thicker would have made it harder to trim in place. As with everything I've gotten from Paxton Hardware, it showed up quickly and is of quality I'm always searching for. Thanks a mil!

michael c.
Looks great!

The only thing I would change about this product is to have the peel-backing marked to make pre-cutting straighter--you would still have to use a blade to fit it exactly, but it would make a straight edge for the harder-to-reach areas. I used it on a Victorian cylinder desk, so the very back of the pull-out was nearly impossible to get to with a blade. The felt looks great and was a perfect replacement for the original surface. I am so happy that this was available and that I didn't need to use glue. This was my first attempt at such a project, so if I found it doable, anyone should find this product extremely easy to use. It arrived sooner than expected and perfectly packaged. Thank you!

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